In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "David G. Koontz" writes:

>I've seen conflicting reports on who the injunction affects.
>Is this a bit of FUD on the part of the attorney, or perhaps
>a misquote?  I was also under the impression you had to be named
>in an injunction to be bound by it. 

Well, the AP story had a different quote from the attorney, so it may be 
reporter perception.

As for "being named" -- well, back around 1970 or 1972, when injunctions 
against students occupying campus buildings were a favorite weapon, I asked 
some lawyers about this.  I was told that no, you did not have to be named 
specifically to be bound by the injunction, and the injunction could legally 
be served by someone standing outside the occupied building with a bullhorn... 
But it's been 30 years, and I'm not a lawyer, so I'll step back and let 
someone else who *knows* speak authoritatively on that subject.

                --Steve Bellovin

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