At 08:31 AM 03/30/2000 -0600, Matt Crawford replied to John Gilmore:
>>   Keep the meta-root private key under very very high security (my
>> recommendation was to embed it in the structural members of a
>> skyscraper, such that anyone who tried to get it -- the legitimate
>> owner or anyone else -- would have to make a lot of noise for an
>> extended period, in a very public place).
>You need to see more stage magic.  The theft or copying would be done
>before the steel was welded.  To be fair, this bald assertion is
>applicable to many schemes in which the complete secret exists
>somewhere before it is divided or hidden.

My first reaction to Dorothy Denning's description of the
Clipper Key Escrow Charade In The NSA Vault was that
"Penn&Teller could find a dozen ways to steal the keys in that process" :-)

(About the same time, Penn wrote a scathing criticism of Clipper
in his computer-magazine column, but he took the moral high road 
that escrow is none of their business rather than the "I could steal *that*" 
approach :-)

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