Peter Junger's export case just won in the Appeals Court!  Yee-hah!

>: > Junger v. Daley, 6th Cir. No. 98-4045
>: >
>: >
>: >"Having concluded that the First Amendment protects
>: >computer source code, we reverse the district court
>: >and remand this case for further consideration of
>: >Junger's constitutional claims in light of the amended regulations."
>: >>Because computer source code is an expressive means for the exchange of
>: >>information and ideas about computer programming, we hold that it is
>: >>protected by the First Amendment.

To clarify what's going on, I wrote to Peter

>: Am I correct in my understanding of the actions?
>: - Peter Junger filed in Federal District Court for Northern Ohio
>: - Court awarded summary judgement to the Bad Guys
>: - Junger appealed to the 6th Circuit Appeals Court
>: - The Appeals Court just decided the Constitutional issue of law,
>:      holding that source code is protected by the 1st,
>:      reversed the summary judgement, and
>:      remanded to the District Court 

And he replied
>: - The District Court now needs to hold the full hearing,
>:      but given the important finding,
>:      it should be a slam-dunk for Junger?
>The remand is partly to determine the effect of the new regulations.
>The lawyers are going to have to decide what we will do next.  I
>am just a satisfied client.
>But just because the new regulations are such an improvement, the
>really significant point is that we now have a circuit court decision
>holding the computer programers are entitled to the same constitutional
>protections that pornographers receive.
>:      Or can Junger file to get a summary judgement in his favor?
>I suppose we could, don't know if we would.
>: - If the Feds still want to appeal, they've got to
>:      go to the Supreme Court?  (Or win in another Circuit first
>:      and then try appealing to the Supremes?)
>Yes.  But they may want to see what happens on remand before appealing.
>(And, of course, it is theoretically possible that we would lose on
>remand.)  In that case the appeal would be back to the Sixth Circuit.

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