> This is e911 service.
> Much as I dislike government intrusion, I sure would like to have a 
> device with a button that says "call help and *tell them where I am*"

Me too.  The problem seems to be that the "call help" and "tell them where I
am" functions aren't as closely coupled as we'd like. 

So, how long will it be until the vendors of such fine devices as cellular
ESN tumblers start selling enhancement kits for your cell phone to put the
noise back into the GPS data?  Or maybe some extra noise while they're at it,
I've used my cell phone via a tower 25 miles away, and over salt water I hear
that people routinely talk to towers 100 miles away.  And will the GPS
software on the switch notice if the GPS data wildly disagrees with the
location of the cell, and if so, what will it do? 

John Levine, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Information Superhighwayman wanna-be, http://iecc.com/johnl, Sewer Commissioner
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