Watching while you surf

PCs might soon be watching people surf on their PC

By BBC News Online internet reporter Mark Ward
The UK is leading the world when it comes to high-tech spying on its
citizens, say civil liberty and privacy groups.

The campaigners fear that if a bill that is getting its second reading in
the House of Lords on Thursday becomes law, the police and security forces
would gain abilities to snoop on British citizens using the internet that
are "unprecedented in peacetime".

They allow anyone to watch the websites you are browsing in real time

Caspar Bowden, Foundation for Information Policy Research
If the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (RIP) Bill is passed, internet
service providers will be forced to install black boxes in their data
centres that connect directly to an MI5 monitoring centre in London.

Caspar Bowden, director of the Foundation for Information Policy Research,
says the bill and the black boxes give police vastly increased powers to

"They will allow anyone to watch the websites you are browsing in real

Police power

The government says the RIP bill is simply updating the powers of the police
for the digital age. It claims the bill will help them track, trace and tap
high-tech criminals who are using the internet.

"The bill does not give the law enforcement agencies anymore powers than
they already have," said a Home Office spokesman.

But Mr Bowden says that the bill makes it much easier for the police to
force net service providers to provide a list of the websites customers are

Currently if the police want to eavesdrop on private communications they
have to get a judicial or ministerial permission in the form of a warrant.

Liberty lost

This change also has the Data Protection Commission worried. "The judicial
process is an independent review of whether the intrusion is justified,"
said David Smith, assistant data protection commissioner.

He said without these checks there was a danger that the right to personal
privacy would be infringed.

The Home Office spokesman says the bill imposes greater restrictions on the
ability of the police to tap communications.

"The bill will restrict the use of these powers more than they are at the
moment," he said. "The police will have to satisfy more checks than they do

Mr Bowden says the government has overlooked key facts about the way that
the internet works.

A phone call can be tapped because it directly connects the people talking.
By contrast data travelling over the internet is chopped up into packets and
reaches a destination by any number of routes.

"If you want to tap anything on the internet, you have to tap everything and
throw away what you don't want," he says

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