> OK, so if I've got a passphrase of arbitrary length, and I wish to
> condense it to make a key of length n bits (n > 160), what's the
> approved method(s) of doing that?
> I assume it goes without saying that we wish to preserve as much entropy
> as we can, but I'll say it anyway.

I've thought about this problem from time to time.  I assume that you
want every bit of the output to depend on every bit of the input, and for
there to be no correlations between bits, for arbitrary size inputs and
outputs.  I know of no "standard" cryptographic primitive that does
exactly this.

The best (albeit rather expensive) construction I've come up with for n input
bits to produce m output bits is to set

  OutputBit_m = H(m| 1 | InputBit_1) + H(m | 2 | InputBit_2)
                + ... + H(m | n | InputBit_n)

where H is a one bit cryptographic hash function with the usual properties,
"|" is bit concatenation, "+" is bitwise XOR, and "m" and "n" are binary
representations of the output and input bit positions, respectively.  (The
idea being to use H to approximate mn different random one bit to one bit
functions).  I'm not sure that you need to include n in the hash calculation,
but it couldn't hurt.

Proving that this has the properties you want depends on the properties of
the cryptographic hash function.   Presumably taking one bit of the output
of SHA1 would be good enough in practice, but I've not proven anything
about this construction.  This is an expensive calculation, mn evaluations
of H (though perhaps you could use different bits of a more than one bit
hash function for different output bits).


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