On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Ove Espeland wrote: 

> How do I make a Self Decrypting Archive with the PGP Command line

        I find myself oddly reminded of a line from Jurassic Park[1] in
which Ian Malcolm remarked that people got so caught up in whether they
could do something that they didn't stop to think of whether or not they

        Could you do it?  With certain flavors of PGP, yes.

        Should you?  Not on your life.

        If your only goal is to obfuscate things, forget about using PGP
and just use PKZIP.  This approach will have the same potential for data
interception and unauthorized viewing, but it won't lull anyone into a
false sense of security.


[1]     The movie, not the book (of which, the latter is superior).

   (                                                             ______
   ))   .-- "There's always time for a good cup of coffee." --.   >===<--.
 C|~~| (>------- Jay D. Dyson --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -------<) |   = |-'
  `--'  `- I'm not surrounded, I just have more targets now. -'  `-----'

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