On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, Will Price wrote:

> Can anybody provide insight into the question of exactly when the RSA
> patent expires beyond just September 20?
> Does that mean that previously infringing software can be made
> available *on* September 20 or on September 21? Is there a particular
> time of day on September 20 when this takes effect? Is this
> expiration Eastern Time for the Patent Office or Pacific Time for
> RSADSI? In other words, could such things be posted at midnight
> Eastern on September 20?

Note that I am not a lawyer, but...

Since the patent went into effect Midnight, Sept. 20, 1983, EDT, logic
would dictate that at the stroke of midnight on Sept 20, 2000, you would
be able to post such things.

Also note that the patent lists the three inventors as Massachusetts
residents. I can't imagine that the current physical location of RSADSI
would impact the patent expiration date.

Your best course of action would be to consult a lawyer who deals with
these issues, however.


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