Eric Murray wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 07:05:38AM -0700, Rodney Thayer wrote:
> > What shall we call
> > that-public-key-algorithm-that-will-not-be-patent-protected in late
> > September?  we should not use a trademarked or copyrighted term, in my
> > opinion.
> > There was discussion of this a while ago, I think.  I don't recall what
> > was around.
> >
> > I suggest "Rivest Public Key", or 'RPKey'.
> Too close to "RPK".
> >  It's not the prettiest
> > buzzword I've ever
> > suggested, but is there something better to call it?
> "The algorithm formerly known as RSA"?

That is, TAFKA, which is _so close_ to Kafka I don't know how anyone can

> In Singh's "Code Book", he relates a story where Aldeman
> insisted to Rivest that his (Aldeman's) name be last on the paper...
> Ron had originally had it in alphabetically order.
> Perhaps "ASR" might then be appropriate?

Errr ... if you get the order right, you might see why he didn't want




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