At 11:27 PM 10/27/00 -0400, Peter Wayner wrote:
>>2. Literary Works, Including Computer Programs and
>>Databases, Protected by Access Control Mechanisms
>>That Fail to Permit Access Because of Malfunction,
>>Damage or Obsoleteness."
>If you ask me, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD are the wave of 
>the future. If my forward-looking computer can't read that DVD disk, 
>then the DVD system must be obsolete.

More to the point, if you buy a Japanese DVD containing literary works,
such as movies or artwork or music or (given this definition) games,
and it fails to work because the access control mechanism
doesn't know how, that seems like a slam-dunk application 
for this exemption to the DMCA for DVDCSS, in spite of the
contrary material quoted from the same source by JYA in

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