"Secret plan to spy on all British phone calls"

<<..Britain's intelligence services are seeking powers to seize all records
of telephone calls, emails and internet connections made by every person
living in this country. A document circulated to Home Office officials and
obtained by The Observer reveals that MI5, MI6 and the police are demanding
new legislation to log every phone call made in this country and store the
information for seven years at a vast government-run 'data warehouse', a
super computer that will hold the information...>>

The document referred to in the Observer front page story today appears to
have been posted on the US website "Cryptome".

==> http://cryptome.org/ncis-carnivore.htm

Also linked from the RIP Info Centre (www.fipr.org/rip) are BBC audio
interviews with Home Office Minister Paul Boateng and the Observer's
Political Editor, Kamal Ahmed.

Other recent additions...
 1/12/00 FaxYourMP.com - Fax Your MP For Free !
           (from the people who brought you www.stand.org.uk)

29/11/00 MOOT! - open-design, open-source
           cryptography project to defeat RIP

27/11/00 TUC report "Surveillance at work: Sensible solutions"

24/11/00 Council of Europe v.24 Draft Convention on Cyber-crime

23/11/00 Annotated interview with Charles Clarke repeatedly
           denying that there was ever any problem with the
           burden-of-proof issue in RIP on key possession.

21/11/00 EPIC Statement on Carnivore Report - Provides No
           Reassurance On Monitoring System's Potential For Abuse

17/11/00 FIPR and JUSTICE response to consultation on draft
         Code of Practice on Interception

 1/11/00 Membership of RIP Tribunal announced
Caspar Bowden               Tel: +44(0)20 7354 2333
Director, Foundation for Information Policy Research
UPDATED: www.fipr.org/rip#media over 800 RIP stories archived

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