
This simply must be an FAQ, but I've searched the archives of the list and
several others without a clear result.

We know that Shor's Algorithm (on a QC) reduces the complexity of factoring
/ discrete logs from exp to poly time. Does anyone have a feel for what this
does to key lifetime calculations / risk assessment? Poly time does not
neccessarily beat exp-time in the real world - it all depends on

Yes, I know that it might not even be possible to build a QC with a large
enough qbit register, and yes I know that factoring might not actually be
exp time on "normal" computers (but we all think/hope it is). All I'm trying
to clarify is - assuming that someone builds a 1024 qbit QC, how long would
it take to factor a 1024 bit composite? Or, more on point, do 2048-bit and
4096-bit composites because computationally tractable?


Ben Nagy
Marconi Services
Network Integration Specialist
Mb: +61 414 411 520  PGP Key ID: 0x1A86E304

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