
I had this question asked by a subscriber of Infosec News
http://www.c4i.org/isn.html After posting the near-FUD article on Bin
Laden's use of stegography and I was unable to answer it, Could
someone help me with this?

Thanks in advance!

William Knowles

"Communications without intelligence is noise;  Intelligence
without communications is irrelevant." Gen Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
C4I.org - Computer Security, & Intelligence - http://www.c4i.org

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Newbie question:

Can you tell by statistical or other fiddling with a file whether it
has stuff embedded in it?  I am thinking in terms of the frequency
space analysis that coherent optical processors used to do--presumably
brute force has superseded that sort of stuff, though.  Consider
writing the binary bit stream to the input plane.  The frequency plane
would show light output characteristic of specific pattterns in that
stream.  I wonder if the power spectrum in the frequency plane would
show anything in particular besides the synchro or preamble and packet
header bits in the traffic. Masks would allow useful screening so that
extraneous patterns would be eliminated.  This would require that the
stego files had a characteristic synchro or discovery/start here
pattern or some other typical pattern which could be widely dispersed
and still discoverable by optical means.  Seemds like stego would
require some agreed on convention or marker as to where to look for
hte goodies.

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