Jill Ramonsky wrote:

> I confess ignorance in matters concerning licensing. The basic rules 
> which I want, and which I believe are appropriate are:

A MIT-stlye license or a BSD-style license without advertizing clause
would be appropriate.

> (2) THE NAME
> Everything needs a name. I've come up with a few possibilities. I'd bet 
> good money that people here could come up with a few more. Some 
> suggestions are:

What about "Simple Lightweight TLS" (SLT)? 8-)

> GnuTLS (obviously only suitable if it ends up with a Gnu license)

This one is already taken.

BTW, I would think that RMS would recommend a BSD-style license for this
kind of project (he did so for Ogg Vorbis).


> My question is, how much of a problem is this for the embedded market?

Have you looked at GNU Pth?  It's a non-preemptive threading package
which should be reasonably portable.

I don't know the TLS/ASN.1 formats by heart, but maybe it's possible to
receive the complete blob (possibly involving I/O multiplexing) without
parsing it?  IOW, the parser starts only after the communication layer
has finished transmitting the message.

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