On Thursday, Oct 2, 2003, at 17:50 US/Eastern, Bill Frantz wrote:


                -- Security Alert Consensus --
                      Number 039 (03.39)
                 Thursday, October 2, 2003
           Network Computing and the SANS Institute
                     Powered by Neohapsis

*** {03.39.004} Cross - OpenSSL ASN.1 parsing vulns

OpenSSL versions 0.9.6j and 0.9.7b (as well as prior) contain multiple
bugs in the parsing of ASN.1 data, leading to denials of services. The
execution of arbitrary code is not yet confirmed, but it has not been
ruled out.

This is the second significant problem I have seen in applications that use
ASN.1 data formats. (The first was in a widely deployed implementation of
SNMP.) Given that good, security conscience programmers have difficultly
getting ASN.1 parsing right, we should favor protocols that use easier to
parse data formats.

This is a little too anecdotal for my taste. When it comes to security I think we can safely ignore anything SNMP. The OpenSSL crew didn't (doesn't?) even have an exhaustive test-suite for their DER parsers which I believe to be a requirement when a security requirement is on the table.

I think this leaves us with SSH. Are there others?

While I like the SSH2 protocol because of its simplicity, it forces one to use ad-hoc approaches for anything more complex than single-level product types. Sum types are not supported at all, apart from those offered as primitives, and have to be (are) handcrafted in some ad-hoc fashion.

The implementation language seems to be more of a problem than the actual data representation formats. I have found that typed high-level (declarative) languages supporting sum/product types with pattern matching provide near bullet-proof framework for safely marshalling data of arbitrary complexity. The compiler will statically check that all corner cases are handled. If it compiles, it tends to be correct. And creating the corresponding proof is straightforward.

If one is really lucky, one's language supports polytypic programming, in which case a single algorithm can marshall arbitrary data structures correctly:

The bottom line is that these problems occur because presently programmers are required to perform a compiler's job. Just like persistence bugs occurs because programmers are forced to do what should be the platform's responsibility (c.f. KeyKOS/EROS persistence). When language support is not feasible, parser generators can go a long way towards eliminating parser bugs.

Cheers, -J

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