Jani Nurminen  wrote:
>I had this idea about reversing the roles of the actors in a typical DRM
>system, and thinking about where it might lead.
>This kind of application of DRM would probably guarantee privacy of the
>personal data of each individual person, while at the same time allow
>companies access to that data with the consent of the user.

This kind of idea has been discussed before.  Personally, I'm not
convinced we're likely to see this take off any time soon.  There are
some technological barriers, but a bigger one may well be incentives.
I'd argue the true source of many privacy problems may be more from the
imbalance in bargaining power between the consumer and the corporation
(the corporation can often more or less dictate terms -- or, at least,
there is not much room for personalized negotiation and bargaining).
Fixing the power imbalance may well be a precondition to deploying
technology-based privacy defenses (be it DRM, or anything else).

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