Hadmut Danisch wrote:
On Thu, Sep 16, 2004 at 12:41:41AM +0100, Ian Grigg wrote:

It occurs to me that a number of these ideas could
be written up over time ... a wiki, anyone?  I think
it is high past time to start documenting crypto

Wikis are not that good for discussions, and I do believe
that this requires some discussion.

I'd propose a separate mailing list for that.

It possibly requires both. A mailing list by itself tends to generate great thoughts that don't get finished by being turned into summaries. Also, those in charge tend to slow the process, just through being too busy. (I'm not talking about just this list, I've noticed the effect on RFC lists where the editor wakes up after a week and skips all the debate and starts again.) A wiki working with a mailing list might address both those issues.

(It's just a guess, I've never really worked with a
Wiki, just read some entries over at wikipedia.)


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