Ian Grigg wrote:

Alan Barrett wrote:

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004, Aaron Whitehouse wrote:

Oh, and make it small enough to fit in the pocket,
put a display *and* a keypad on it, and tell the
user not to lose it.

How much difference is there, practically, between this and using a smartcard credit card in an external reader with a keypad? Aside from the weight of the 'computer' in your pocket...

The risks of using *somebody else's keypad* to type passwords or instructions to your smartcard, or using *somebody else's display* to view output that is intended to be private, should be obvious.


It should be obvious.  But it's not.  A few billions
of investment in smart cards says that it is anything
but obvious.

That assumes that the goal of smartcards is to increase security instead of to decrease liability.

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