At 22:51 2004-12-22 +0100, Florian Weimer wrote:
* John Denker:

> Florian Weimer wrote:
>> Would you recommend to switch to /dev/urandom (which doesn't block if
>> the entropy estimate for the in-kernel pool reaches 0), and stick to
>> generating new DH parameters for each connection,
> No, I wouldn't.

Not even for the public parameters?

Am I understanding correctly? Does SSL/TLS really generate a new P and G for each connection? If so, can someone explain the rationale behind this? It seems insane to me. And not doing so would certainly ease the problem on the entropy pool, not to mention CPU load for primality testing.

I must be misunderstanding. Surely. Please?


Greg Rose                                    INTERNET: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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