| [1] This is also my solution to the famous trust paradox proposed by Ken
| Thompson in his " Reflections of Trusting Trust". Trust is earned, not
| given. To trust Ken's code, I would first ask two or more programmers (who
| I choose) to code the same function and submit their codes to tests. If they
| provide the same answers for a series of inputs, including random inputs,
| I would have a qualification for trusting (or not) Ken's code. This works
| even without source code. Trust is not in the thing, it's how the thing works.
The code Thompson describes would produce equivalent outputs[1] for all but a
very small number of specially-selected strings.  If this test caused you to
change your level of trust in the code ... it did you a great disservice.
"N-version programming" - which is what you are proposing here - can increase
your level of trust against random errors[2], but its of no use at all against
a deliberate attack.  (Recall the conversation here a couple of months ago
about how difficult - to the point of impossibility - it would be to use
external testing to determine if a crypto-chip had been "spiked".)

[1]  Since Thompson was talking about a compiler, the mapping from inputs to
outputs is a partial function.  Just because two compilers produce different
sets of bytes doesn't mean either one is wrong.  Determining the equivalence
of two programs is a very hard problem; in fact, even *defining* the equiva-
lence seems intractable.  Suppose the only difference is that the "spiked"
compiler introduces enough data-dependent speed variation to leak information
through a timing channel?

[2] BTW, test have shown that the "random error" model for bugs isn't a very
good one.  Certain kinds of code are just more likely to contain errors - and
the errors produced by completely independent programmers are often quite
strongly correlated.  So the simple-minded analysis that says that if one
program fails with probability p then the chance that of of n different
versions fail with probability p^n is way off.

                                                        -- Jerry

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