Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
There's been a lot of discussion about how to strengthen cryptography and authentication, to get away from problems of phishing, pharming, etc. But such approaches can take you only so far, as this link indicates:

Briefly, it's a Trojan that waits for you to log int o E-Gold, checks your balance, and drains your account except for .004 grams of gold.

Steve, thanks. Not really much of surprise, is it? Clearly, a user who lets malware onto his/her PC, e.g. a VBscript in this case, has lost control and is open to such attacks.

But... crypto and authentication, imho, are the best tools to prevent such malware from being installed. Yes, I know, this is far from the current situation, with corrupted PCs (Zombies) being a very large fraction (around a third?)...
Best regards,

Amir Herzberg

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Bar Ilan University
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