"James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann)
>> TLS-PSK fixes this problem by providing mutual
>> authentication of client and server as part of the key
>> exchange.  Both sides demonstrate proof-of- possession
>> of the password (without actually communicating the
>> password), if either side fails to do this then the
>> TLS handshake fails.  Its only downside is that it
>> isn't widely supported yet, it's only just been added
>> to OpenSSL, and who knows when it'll appear in
>> Windows/MSIE, Mozilla, Konqueror, Safari,
>This will take out 90% of phishing spam, when widely adopted.

And that's it's killer feature: Although you can still be duped into handing
out your password to a fake site, you simply cannot connect securely without
prior mutual authentication of client and server if TLS-PSK is used.

What'd be necessary in conjunction with this is two small changes to the
browser UI:

- Another type of secure-connect indicator (maybe light blue or light green in
  the URL bar instead of the current yellow) to show that it's a mutually
  authenticated connection, along with a "Why is this green?" tooltip for it.

- A non-spoofable means of password entry that only applies for TLS-PSK
  passwords.  In other words, something where a fake site can't trick the user
  into revealing a TLS-PSK key.

Anyone know how to communicate this to the Mozilla guys?  The only mechanism
I'm aware of is bugzilla, which doesn't seem very useful for this kind of


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