In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Trav
is H." writes:
>> How does one properly use a symmetric cipher as a cryptographic hash
>> function? I seem to be going around in circles.
>Isn't this is like asking a mechanic how to use a screwdriver as a hammer?

Given that we seem to know much more about block cipher design than 
hash function design, finding a hash function that is provably as 
strong as a block cipher is a great idea.
>> Reversing the situation (using the data as the key and a known plain-
>> text) makes a plaintext attack seem like a joy etc..
>This is exactly how traditional Unix crypt(3) implementations used
>DES, although they used a null string as the input and added some salt
>to prevent dictionary attacks.  What exactly do you mean by "plaintext
>attack"?  If we choose the plaintext, then we can compute the hash...
>what's the problem?  All hashes I can think of work this way.
>Incidentally, does anyone know how crypt(3) used salt, and why it used
>so little instead of using a 64-bit IV in some mode with feedback?
Have you read the Morris and Thompson paper?  If not, see

Briefly, though, the 12 bits of salt were used to permute the E-box in 
DES.  They limited the salt to 12 bits because there was little need for
any more.  The salt served three purposes: discouraging hardware attacks 
based on off-the-shelf DES chips; rendering precomputed dictionaries 
prohibitively expensive; and forcing an attacker to attack individually each 
password in a file.  If you have 500 passwords -- a lot for 1978 -- and 
4K choices, the odds are high that you won't get much overlap in salt 
space.  Even with 15K entries, a high figure even today, you're not going
to increase the attacker's work factor by more than a few bits.  As for 
the dictionary size -- they felt (probably correctly) that the size 
expansion was already large enough that that wasn't a feasible path for 
the attacker.

                --Steven M. Bellovin,

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