

    November 8, 2005--A team at the German Federal Agency 
    for Information Technology Security (BSI) recently 
    announced the factorization of the 193-digit number 

    310 7418240490 0437213507 5003588856 7930037346 
    0228427275 4572016194 8823206440 5180815045 5634682967 
    1723286782 4379162728 3803341547 1073108501 9195485290 
    0733772482 2783525742 3864540146 9173660247 7652346609 

    known as RSA-640. The team responsible for this 
    factorization is the same one that previously factored 
    the 174-digit number known as RSA-576 (MathWorld 
    headline news, December 5, 2003) and the 200-digit 
    number known as RSA-200 (MathWorld headline news, 
    May 10, 2005). 

-Michael Heyman

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