
In Maurer's paper, which is the last link here on the following page,
he proposes to use a public random "pad" to encrypt the plaintext
based on bits selected by a key.  What I'm wondering is why he chose
the strange construction for encryption; namely, that he uses an
additive (mod 2) cipher where each plaintext bit is (apparently) XORed
against K bits from the random pad.  He also uses a 2-d array
structure, both of which appear kind of arbitrary to me.


Does anyone have information on:

1) Deep space sources or terrestrial satellite transmissions which
could be used as publicly-available random bits

2) The nature of noise, especially the noise when a receiver is
de-tuned (I have heard ~1% of this signal power is cosmic background
radiation left over from the big bang, and that the rest is largely a
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