On 4/13/06, Perry E. Metzger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/13/us/nationalspecial3/13nsa.html
> Now Mr. Klein and a few company documents he saved have emerged as key
> elements in a class-action lawsuit filed against AT&T on Jan. 31 by a
> civil liberties group, the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The suit
> accuses the company of helping the security agency invade its customers'
> privacy.

Am I wrong or if we were living in a DRM- or Trusted Computing- World,
those documents probably would be unreadable, if they were digital
documents? Also they could have prevented printing of the documents,
and so on.

Of course, the human is still the weaker ring, but this is not of much
help in such cases.

:lorenzo grespan
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