On 5/14/06, Eric Rescorla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Consider the case where you're transmitting message M. The
hash is H(M). You then encrypt (M || H(M)), generating
K XOR (M || H(M)). If the attacker knows M and H, he can
compute (M || H(M)) and compute K. Then he can re-encrypt
a message M' of his choice.

Excellent point.  When I wrote that I had strongly universal hashes in
mind, like UMAC, where the hash is chosen from a family of functions
based on some secret data shared by sender and recipient.  I
mistakenly conflated them with ordinary hashes (which they are, once
you pick one).  Thanks for catching that.

IMHO encrypting MACs is a good defensive measure, because you can then
use a smaller hash value, so you end up encrypting as little as 4
bytes instead of transmitting 20 en clair, and now you also know the
opponent hasn't learned anything.

Does anyone know if MAC-then-encrypt(plaintext) versus
encrypt(plaintext)-then-MAC makes a difference if the MAC itself is to
be encrypted?  I can't think of why it would.
"Curiousity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect" -- Steven Wright
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