Please note that my email was way different in scope. My opening
sentence, where I basically said that it does not make much sense
to compare RC4 with AES, was cut in your quote -- but here it is:

"AES has more uses and use modes than RC4, in addition to the fact that
it encrypts more than one byte at once. Having said that, it is curious
to note the following misconceptions:"

BTW, discarding the first 100's of bytes in RC4 is easy, fast, and
has nothing to with lack of "key agility". And, if you do it, you don't
even have to hash the key (ie, you must EITHER hash the key OR discard the
first bytes).

Cheers, Ed Gerck

Joseph Ashwood wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Ed Gerck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [!! SPAM] Re: Is AES better than RC4

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