On 7/15/06, John Kelsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Another solution is to use cryptographic audit logs.  Bruce Schneier
and I did some work on this several years ago, using a MAC to
authenticate the current record as it's written, and a one-way
function to derive the next key.  (This idea was apparently developed
by at least two other people independently.)  Jason Holt has extended
this idea to use digital signatures, which makes them far more
practical.  One caveat is that cryptographic audit logs only work if
the logging machine is honest when the logs are written.

Yeah, I love that idea, saw it at the 7th Usenix Security Symposium.

For everyone else, there's an implementation here:
I have been looking for something like this for a while.

Note to Jason Holt: The subscribe links for the mailing lists are broken.

I like the idea of encrypting the entries, but I thought that having
to classify them into a finite number of classes, and restricting
disclosure to be along class lines is restrictive, but I don't know
offhand how to allow the logger to disclose arbitrary subsets
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