Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
So, you sign the public key the chip generated, and inject the _signed_
key back into the chip, then package and ship it.  This is how the SDK
for IBM's crypto processors determines that it is talking to the genuine
IBM product.  It is a good idea, and it also leaves the chip set up for
you with a preloaded master secret (its private key) for encrypting other
keys for reuse in insecure environments, which is really handy.

But do we really think that general-purpose CPUs or DSPs are going to
be packaged in the kind of enclosure IBM uses to protect the private keys
inside its cryptographic modules?

... long post warning :) ...

that is basically a certificate-based process .... i.e. a recognized certification authority is signing the exported public key and injecting it back into the chip ... as a form of digital certificate.

this allows that some relying party ... that has a copy of the appropriate certification authority's public key to validate the device's digital certificate in an offline manner.

the approach i described was not the offline pki-based offline scenario but the certificateless flavor ... the "relying party" accepts the public key and contacts the authoritative agency managing/hosting the fab's manifest. the authoritative agency then returns whether it is an original chip (rather than possibly a counterfeit / copy chip) and possibly also the integrity characteristics of the particular chip.

in any case, can you say "parameterized risk management" :)

with respect to the "kind of enclosure IBM users to protect the private keys inside the cryptographic modules" is that the integrity characteristics of any specific kind of chip is likely to be proportional to the vulnerabilities, threats, risks and purposes that the chip is used for. the high level of integrity for the ibm crypto unit's private key isn't directly related to the cost of the unit and/or whether it is a counterfeit unit ... it is much more related to various anticipated uses that the ibm crypto unit will be applied.

say a 10-50 cent security chip that has been evaluated to EAL5-high
.... possibly even less ... see discussion here DDA cards may address the UK chip&Pin woes

... the integrity and protection of the private key is likely going to proportional to the purposes for which the chip will be used.

Part of the least expensive process ... is that other than the 20k-40k additional circuits ... the actual processing, processing steps, and processing time is done in such a way that there is absolutely no different from what they are doing today ... the initial power-on/test to validate a working chip (before it has been sliced and diced from the wafer) is the same exact step taking the same exact amount of time. the exporting of the test fields indicating a valid working chip as part of power-on/test ... is not changed ... other than there are a few more bits that represent the exported public key. the storage and maintenance in the fab chip manifest is exactly the same.

There is no incremental cost and no incremental processing ... other than the chip real estate for additional 20k-40k circuits.

If you treat it as a real security chip (the kind that goes into smartcards and hardware token) ... it eliminates the significant post-fab security handling (prior to finished delivery), in part to assure that counterfeit / copy chips haven't been introduced into the stream .... with no increase in vulnerability and threat.

So finally it comes down to later wanting to check whether you have a counterfeit / copy chip. The current scenario would be to read out the static data serial number and have that looked up in the fab's chip manifest. however serial number static data is vulnerable to things like skimming and replay attacks. So in the basic operation ... for effectively zero incremental cost ... you effectively get a dynamic data serial number authentication for looking up in the fab's chip manifest (as opposed to a simple static data serial number).

For nearly all uses of such a basic chip configuration, the cost of attacking the private key (in such a eal5-high evaluated chip) is much more than any likely benefit ... and is bracketed by being able to flag the chip serial and public key in the fab's chip manifest.

As an attack purely for the purposes of selling 50 cent copy chips ... each chip attack is going to cost enormously more than expected fraud revenue.

So you have to be expecting something other than a revenue from selling copy chips .... to mount such an attack, you would have to be expecting to be able to make use of the private key for some significantly larger benefit than selling a copy chip.

If you are talking about an attack on the private key ... for purpose other than selling a copy chip ... then you are into security proportional to risk ... i.e. having a variety of chips with integrity proportional to risks of their expected use ... some expected uses far above an EAL5-high evaluation ... may an EAL10 :) or EAL25 :) evaluation?

So for extremely close to zero cost ... you can add straight private key and digital signature to any chip as countermeasure to counterfeit and copy chips. As a side-effect ... it may possible to also use the digital signing capability of the embedded circuits to represent "something you have" authentication. However, the utilization of any such side-effect should be evaluated from the standpoint of the integrity of the chips private key environment and whether it is proportional to the risks associated with the expected application uses.

now when i was talking about this with some government types ... within the context of parameterized risk management ... i.e. the integrity of the chip and the associated private key integrity could be dynamically evaluated to see whether that it satisfied the requirements for the purposes it would be applied ... they commented that this area was totally missed in the work on x.509v3 digital certificates. the commented that if i were to develop an integrity level grading system (for a real-time, online parameterized risk management operation being able to dynamically take into account chip integrity ... including that the chip integrity may have degraded since it had been originally manufactured ... i.e. advances/changes in attack technology/knowledge may increased the chip vulnerability and lowered its integrity) ... then they would see that x.509v3 digital certificates were extended to allow specify a static flavor of chip integrity level.

the basic process was that private key, digital signatures and public key could be added to existing chips at absolutely ZERO additional cost (other than the 20k-40k additional circuits) as a countermeasure to copy chips (where the existing mechanism involves lookup using static serial number) ... aka countermeasure to copy chips. additional uses of such a private key and digital signature capability has to be evaluated against the basic integrity level of the chip (& private key) against the risks associated with the target uses.

Some simple armoring of the private key comes with the design of the basic 20k-40k additional core (i.e. in many respects, the additional circuits operate as a separate computer core and nothing is directly available to the primary processor). That level of integrity may, in fact, be sufficient for a large number of applications.

so ... instead of having a lookup parameterized risk management system
(as originally described) ... the integrity level stuff might indeed be retrofitted to stale, static x.509v3 certificates. in the ibm scenario ... the crypto unit would have an evaluated integrity level ... the public key is exported ... some sort of digital certificate is created with the crypto unit's public key and the crypto unit's integrity level ... and the result is digitally signed ... by some sort of certification authority .... and the certificate is injected back into the crypto unit. future users of the crypto unit can not only extract the digital certificate to validate it is an "original" crypto unit (as opposed to possibly a counterfeit or copy unit) ... and also have the integrity of the crypto unit at the time it was manufactured (for a moment ignoring that the integrity level of the crypto unit may degrade over time as technology advances) ... and evaluate whether the certified integrity level is sufficient for the uses for which it will be applied.

in the lookup parameterized risk management ... there is absolutely
no change in current day standard fab chip processing ... the whole thing is submerged into processes that already occur. I think i was quoted something like a couple pennies per chip per second of additional processing. For the fundamental process, I had incentive ... to incorporate the key-gen and public key export into the existing fab chip processing so there was absolutely no increase in elapsed time of initial chip power-on/test.

NOTE, there is a basic premise here that parameterized risk management doesn't require that there can be one and only one integrity level that has to be met by all devices for all purposes .... it can assume that the required integrity level need only be sufficient to the purposes for which it will be applied. If it is only going to be used to raise the barrier for copy chip vulnerabilities for chips that are priced at tens of cents to tens of dollars ... you might choose one level of private key armoring. The level of private key armoring might be increased if you start talking about copy chip countermeasures for chips that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars.

The risk/threat landscape can also be considerably different if you are doing dynamic, online, real-time lookup or if you depending on a stale, static, offline digital certificate environment.

Another dynamic might be if such a design was incorporated into a variation of RFID chips where the RFID chip is then incorporated into a pill bottle worth hundreds of dollars and targeted as countermeasure to counterfeit/copy drug vulnerability (i.e. one of the issues in the original 40k circuit design from the late 90s was extremely low power requires to work in contactless, radio frequency deployments)

as aside, the patents referenced in the original post (and which we
no longer have any relationship) Crypto to defend chip IP: snake oil or good idea?

allowed for both digital certificate modes of operation and certificateless operation.

some recent posts mentioning contactless/proximity and/or power/rf
design considerations in the original aads chip strawman: UK Detects Chip-And-PIN Security Flaw UK Detects Chip-And-PIN Security Flaw UK Banks Expected To Move To DDA EMV Cards New ISO standard aims to ensure the security of financial transactions on the Internet Naked Payments IV - let's all go naked Microsoft - will they bungle the security game? DDA cards may address the UK Chip&Pin woes DDA cards may address the UK Chip&Pin woes DDA cards may address the UK Chip&Pin woes

misc. past posts mentioning parameterized risk management QC Bio-info leak? QC Bio-info leak? biometrics and electronic signatures AADS Strawman Risk Management in AA / draft X9.59 X9.59 Electronic Payment standard issue cardtech/securetech & CA PKI cardtech/securetech & CA PKI cardtech/securetech & CA PKI cardtech/securetech & CA PKI cardtech/securetech & CA PKI Common misconceptions, was Re: KISS for PKIX. (Was: RE: ASN.1 vs XML (used to be RE: I-D ACTION :draft-ietf-pkix-scvp-00.txt)) Overcoming the potential downside of TCPA Loss Expectancy in NPV calculations massive data theft at MasterCard processor the limits of crypto and authentication EU digital signature initiative stalled Is there any future for smartcards? simple (&secure??) PW-based web login (was Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....) RSA Adaptive Authentication Chip-and-Pin terminals were replaced by "repairworkers"? Attacks on a PKI Attacks on a PKI question about PKI... RealNames hacked. Firewall issues. how old are you guys A Dark Day Sun researchers: Computers do bad math ;) build-robots-which-can-automate-testing dept More on garbage Why are smart cards so dumb?

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