On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 11:36:35AM -0500, Victor Duchovni wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 10:10:21AM -0500, Leichter, Jerry wrote:
> > Meanwhile, the next generation of users is growing up on the immediacy
> > of IM and text messaging.  Mail is ... so 20th century.
> Well, you certainly don't want to use email when coordinating a place to
> meet in the next 10-15 minutes, while on the move with a cell phone, or
> other near-real-time social activity so important to the next generation
> while they are still the "next" generation.
> I challenge the myth that this means that email won't be more important
> to them as they mature.
> > Meanwhile, in real terms, it would be interesting to know what
> > percentage of Email these days flows *between* organizations, and what
> > percentage remains within individual organization's Exchange servers.
> I may be able to get you a data-point on that. Qualititatively external
> email is not shrinking in significance here.

O.K. inbound external email is ~20% of our traffic.


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