Alex Alten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>This may be a bit off the crypto topic, but it is interesting nonetheless.
>Russia accused of unleashing cyberwar to disable Estonia
>Estonia accuses Russia of 'cyberattack'

Given that there are large numbers of disaffected re-settled Russians living
in Estonia, combined with the usual collection of hooligans who'll jump at any
opportunity for a fight, why would Russia need to get involved?  It makes for
some nice posturing, but why would the Russian government bother when they can
just sit back and let the local script kiddies cause havoc?

(I was in the centre of Tallinn when the reported riots over this were
 happening and didn't even notice a disturbance.  This whole thing seems more
 an excuse for media hype and political posturing than anything else.  Ignore
 it and it'll go away.  Something else will be along presently).


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