From CIO magazine.  For the record, I, like the author, am a Bank of
America customer, but unlike her I've started using their on-line
services.  What got me to do it was descriptions of the increasing
vulnerability of traditional paper-based mechanisms:  If I pay a
credit card by mail, I leave in my mailbox an envelope with my
credit card account number, my address, a check with all the
banking information needed to transfer money - and probably a
bunch of other envelopes with similar information.  Yes, I could
carry it to a post box or even a post office, but the inconvenience
is getting pretty large at that point.  Meanwhile, the on-line
services have some unique security features of their own, like
the ability to send me an email notification when various conditions
are met, like large transactions.
                                                        -- Jerry

What Banks Tell Online Customers About Their Security

- Sarah D. Scalet, CIO

May 29, 2007
By the end of 2006, U.S. banks were supposed to have implemented "strong
authentication" for online banking - in other words, they needed to put
something besides a user name and password in between any old Internet
user and all the money in a customer's banking account.

The most obvious way to meet the guidance, issued by the U.S. Federal
Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), would have been to
issue one-time password devices or set up another form of two-factor
authentication.  But last summer, when I did a preliminary evaluation of
security offerings at the country's largest banks, I was pretty
unimpressed. (See Two-Factor Too Scarce at Consumer Banks

Since then, I've given up on getting a one-time-password device,
and have accepted the fact that banks are instead moving toward what
might diplomatically be called "creative" authentication.
(See Strong Authentication: Success Factors Given that
man-in-the-middle attacks can circumvent two-factor authentication, a
combination of device authentication, additional security questions and
extra fraud controls doesn't seem like a bad approach.

But, I wondered, almost six months past the FFIEC deadline, what are
banks telling customers about online security?  As the chief financial
officer of Chateau Scalet - and as a working mother about to have baby
No. 2 - I wanted to know if any of them could offer me enough assurance
that I would take the online banking plunge as a way to simplify my
life. I decided it was time to update my research from last year.

I called the call centers at each of the top three banks, identified
myself as a customer with a checking and savings account, and told them
I was interested in online banking but concerned about security. The
point, yes, was to see what type of security each bank had in
place. More than that, however, I wanted to see how well each bank was
able to communicate about security through its call center. After all,
what good is good security if you can't explain it to your customers?
Here's what I learned. Citibank My first call was to Citibank. I started
with my standard question: "How can I be assured that my online banking
transactions are secure and private?"  The call center rep said that
Citibank uses 128-bit encryption, which "verifies that you have a
maximum level of security." End of answer. Pause. I asked what kinds of
protections Citibank had in place for making sure that it would really
be me logging onto my account. "I'm sorry," he said, "but I don't
understand your question."

We had a language barrier, he and I. The call-center rep, in India, was
not a native English speaker. The call went poorly, and I have no way of
knowing whether this was because of our communications barrier or simply
because Citibank hadn't instructed him how to answer questions about
security. I repeated my question a couple times, and he finally said,
"Let me look into that, ma'am." I waited on hold more than a minute, and
when he came back, he told me I could go online and read all about
online banking. "All the information is there, ma'am," he said politely.

I kept prodding. I asked if Citibank offered tokens or did device
recognition of some sort, and he told me I could log on with a user name
and password.

"At any computer where I punch in my user name and password, I'll have
full access to my account?" I asked.

"Yes, ma'am, anyplace you have Internet access," he answered. He finally
did say that in certain situations I would be asked extra security
questions, but he wouldn't or couldn't explain when that happened or
why. I asked if it was unusual for him to field calls about security,
and he said yes. I finally ended the call in frustration.  Chase Next I
called Chase. This time I got a woman in Michigan, who at least didn't
try to shunt me off onto the Internet - well, at least right away. But
she seemed to interpret my every question about security as one about
how, precisely, I could sign up for online banking. In fact, the first
thing she did was congratulate me on being interested in the service.

When I asked how I could be assured that my transactions would be secure
and private, she said that when I signed up, I would select a user name
and password. "Once you're enrolled, as long as you're not giving out
your user ID and password, you should be safe," she said. At least she
said should and not will.

Then I asked if Chase would do any authentication beyond user name and
password, like identifying my computer or giving me a one-time password
device. She seemed to think that I was worried about the log-on process
being burdensome or confusing - and proceeded to make the process even
more burdensome and confusing, with a convoluted answer about speeding
up the telephone verification process. At one point, she had me so
utterly baffled that she asked, "Are you O.K.?"

One thing I did manage to glean - I think - is that there would be some
kind of activation code involved if tried to log on at a library or a
friend's house.  Her explanation: "It's called an activation code
because it's like a reset," she said. "That is for security purposes."
She said this code could be sent by e-mail or text message, or that I
could call in to get it. But she wouldn't or couldn't explain its

It wasn't until 10 minutes into the call that she mentioned that I might
have to answer extra security questions on occasion, and again, she
couldn't or didn't explain what these questions were for, or even
reassure me that the measures were there to protect me. When I asked
what would happen if someone else transferred money out of my account,
she said, "That's not going to happen, ma'am, unless you give that
information out to somebody." Then she warned me to be careful about
giving out my information - to merchants, of all places.

Credit her with being a diligent salesperson, though. Throughout the
process, she kept trying to get me to establish an online account, right
then and there, so that the first time I went onto, all I'd
need would be that precious user name and password.  Bank of America My
call with Bank of America also got off to a rocky start. I wanted to
record all three phone calls. (Why not?  The banks do it for "quality
assurance purposes".) Both the Citibank and Chase representatives agreed
to this without hesitation. The Bank of America rep, however, put me on
hold for more than seven minutes, before coming back and saying I
couldn't record the call - something something the bank only records
calls for training purposes something something. Oh well. It didn't seem
worth arguing.

Things got better after that. When I asked how I could be assured that
my online transactions would be private and secure, the call center rep
seemed to understand exactly what I was asking. First, she said that I
should look for the lock at the bottom of my browser window, indicating
a secure site, and noted that the encryption that Bank of America uses
is "one of the highest."  (Neither of these are perfect indicators of
security, of course, but it's a logical place to start the
conversation.) Then, she told me that, usually, the only time my account
wouldn't be secure is if I gave out my user name and password, or
"answered a spam e-mail" where I clicked a link and entered my user name
and password. This made her the only rep to actually warn about phishing
attacks; she gets extra points for not using the silly term phishing.

Next, she launched into a very plain-English description of SiteKey,
Bank of America's system of allowing customers to verify that they are
at the valid website by selecting a picture that will come up each time
they log on. "If you don't see the picture, don't enter your password,"
she told me. She also explained that when I signed up for the first
time, I'd have to answer three extra security questions. If I (or anyone
else) ever tried to access my account from a different computer, I would
first be asked a security question.  If I answered correctly, I'd see my
security picture and then be asked for my user name and password. If I
answered it incorrectly a certain number of times, I would be locked out
and have to go through extra verification at the call center to have the
account unlocked.

Overall, I was impressed at how comfortable she was talking about
security. It seemed to be part of the training she had gone through, and
she also made several references to how she used the service
herself. Call it a subtle kind of marketing if you will, but I actually
liked to hear her admit, "A lot of times people say they have a hard
time getting into our site as opposed to other sites, and that's because
it's a very secure site."  The Verdict Here's the recap:

   1. Citibank: Call-center rep did not seem to understand my questions
      and tried to refer me to the website for answers.
   2. Chase: Call-center rep didn't offer clear explanations but kept
      trying to get me to sign up anyway.
   3. Bank of America: Call-center rep understood my questions,
      explained customer-facing security mechanisms and offered advice
      about how I could protect myself.

After the calls, I rang Larry Freed, president of the research group
ForeSee Results (, to see what he
thought. Freed is a former banking CTO who does a regular survey on
banking customer satisfaction in conjunction with He has
told me in the past that customers who have not signed up for online
banking often cite security as a factor.

Online banking is a huge area of growth for banks - if they can get it
right.  According to Freed's latest survey, customers who are not doing
online banking report an overall satisfaction level of 70 on a scale of
0 to 100. For those who do online banking and bill pay, the satisfaction
level jumps to 79. What's more, those who are doing online banking and
bill pay are much more likely to purchase additional services from the
bank - 59 percent likely, rather than 36 percent.

Nevertheless, Freed didn't seem surprised that the banks, for the most
part, had so little to say about online security. "The education and
communication of security is not done very well," he said. "For
converting non-online banking customers, I think that's a critical
step. But it's a balance between putting the fear in them and educating

Right now, I'd say, the banks are doing neither.

As for me, if I had a Bank of America account already, I think I'd give
online banking a try. It's not so much that I'm convinced Bank of
America actually has better security than Citibank or Chase. The
call-center rep doesn't know that, and none of the banks are going to
talk about all their security mechanisms anyway. But I'm heartened that
they're teaching their call-center reps how to explain their security
mechanisms to customers. At this point in history, it's a sad fact that
merely being willing and able to talk about security in plain English
(even if they don't want the call to be recorded) puts Bank of America
well ahead of its competitors. That's just not enough to make me change
banks, though. Guess I'll keep buying stamps after all.

 2007 CXO Media Inc.

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