At 11:31 PM +0200 8/14/07, Christian Rechberger wrote:
The mentioned article is indeed confusing, the information in there took apparently several hops.

Welcome to the world of public cryptography! :-) At least I haven't seen anyone so far suggest that you will find pre-images.

To address your questions: Indeed, we have our own "path", but more importantly we developed a new method to speed-up generation and testing of candidate message pairs and apply it to SHA-1. The resulting work factor is still quite high, hence we ask for contributions via the BOINC framework.

Is there any estimation of how high? Specifically, do you believe there is a good chance of having less work effort than the current Wang strategy? For example, if you are sure that your result will be around 2^70, well that is interesting in theory but probably not worth any publicity you have gotten so far. If you are sure it will be around 2^55, I'll certainly give you some of my spare CPU cycles.

More information on cryptanalytic details, type of collision, and resulting work factor will appear later this year.

That's good to hear. It would also be interesting if you could keep a running meter of approximately how much work you are getting from the participants. This isn't nearly as "sexy" as finding ETs or even protein folding...

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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