Ben Laurie wrote, On 21/9/07 1:34 AM:
> It seems to me that the requirement cited:
> "Entity i cannot be coerced into sharing a key with entity j without i’s
> knowledge, ie, when i believes the key is shared with some entity l != j."

The "without i's knowledge" part is critical to the argument, as the
author is assuming that entity i is monitoring all of entity j's
channels of communication and either entity j has no communication of
any kind outside of that used for the DH protocol with entity i, or else
entity i would be able to recognize whether any other communication with
anyone is a revelation of the secret session key that entity i is
sharing with entity j.

Note that entity i would even have to be sure that entity j is not using
any side channels such as variations in the timing of response packets
during the subsequent encrypted session to communicate with a colluding
passive attacker who is eavesdropping.

That is an awfully impractical constraint on the threat model, which
makes this issue moot in practice.

 Sidney Markowitz

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