On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 08:20:27AM -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:

> There are a variety of issues. Smart cards have limited capacity. Many
> key agreement protocols yield only limited amounts of key
> material. I'll leave it to others to describe why a rational engineer
> might use fewer key bits, but suffice it to say, there are quite
> rational reasons. I'll agree that if you have no tradeoffs, you might
> as well use longer keys, but if you really have no tradeoffs, you
> would prefer to use a one time pad, too. All real engineering is about
> tradeoffs.

I think one point worth making is that we probably don't really know
how to make a cipher that is secure to, say, 2^512 operations (or
2^1024 or 2^4096 or whatever). For instance if you took Serpent or AES
or Twofish and modified it to support 512-bit keys, I don't believe
the resulting cipher would actually be secure to 2^512
operations... to guess completely at random, I'd say they would be
more like 2^300 or so. (Have any block ciphers with 256-bit
block/512-bit key been proposed/studied? I have not been following FSE
and similar conferences of late)

Making a cipher that uses an N bit key but is only secure to 2^M
operations with M<N is, firstly, considered broken in many circles, as
well as being inefficient (why generate/transmit/store 512 bit keys
when it only provides the security of a ~300 bit (or whatever) key
used with a perfect algorithm aka ideal cipher - why not use the
better cipher and save the bits).


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