Dear all,

        The submission server for ACM DRM 2008 is open (submission
deadline: May 23).  Details follow.

        Best regards,
          -Greg and Marc.

Call for Papers

                       EIGHTH ACM DRM WORKSHOP
      (Co-located with ACM-CCS 2008, Alexandria, Virginia, USA)


Submission deadline: May 23, 2008
Workshop: October 27, 2008 - Alexandria, Virginia, USA

The ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management is an international forum
that serves as an interdisplinary bridge between areas that can be
applied to solving the problem of Intellectual Property protection of
digital content.  These include: cryptography, software and computer
systems design, trusted computing, information and signal processing,
intellectual property law, policy-making, as well as business analysis
and economics. Its purpose is to bring together researchers from the
above fields for a full day of formal talks and informal discussions,
covering new results that will spur new investigations regarding the
foundations and practices of DRM.

This year's workshop, the eighth in the series, continues this
tradition. As in the previous editions, it is sponsored by ACM SIGSAC
and is held in conjunction with the ACM Conference in Computer and
Communications Security (CCS).

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* anonymous publishing, privacy and DRM
* architectures for DRM systems
* business models for online content distribution, risk management
* copyright-law issues, including but not limited to fair use
* digital goods and online multiplayer games
* digital policy management
* DRM and consumer rights, labeling and competition law
* implementations and case studies
* information theory and  combinatorics, including marking assumptions
  and related codes
* robust identification of digital content
* security  issues,  including   but  not  limited  to  authorization,
  encryption, tamper resistance, and watermarking
* regulatory authority for DRM, interoperability
* supporting  cryptographic technology  including but  not  limited to
  traitor tracing, broadcast encryption, obfuscation
* threat and vulnerability assessment
* trusted   computing,   attestation,   hardware  support   for   DRM,
* usability aspects of DRM systems
* web services related to DRM systems


Submission deadline: May 23, 2008
Notification of acceptance: July 10, 2008 Camera-ready version: August
8, 2008
Workshop: October 27, 2008


Submissions must not overlap with papers that have been published or
that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with
proceedings.  Submissions should be at most 15 pages excluding the
bibliography and well- marked appendices, using at least 11-point font
and reasonable margins.  Committee members are not required to read the
appendices, and thus submissions should be intelligible without them.
Each submission should start with the title, abstract, and names and
contact information of authors.  All submissions will be handled
electronically.  For submission instructions and further information
please point your web-browser to:



Accepted papers will be published in an archival proceedings volume by
ACM Press and will be distributed at the time of the workshop.


Program Chairs
- Gregory Heileman (U. New Mexico, USA)
- Marc Joye (Thomson, France)

Program Committee
- Olivier Billet (Orange Labs, France)
- Xavier Boyen (Voltage, USA)
- Alain Durand (Thomson, France)
- Rudiger Grimm (U. Koblenz, Germany)
- Bill Horne (Hewlett-Packard, USA)
- Hongxia Jin (IBM, USA)
- Aggelos Kiayias (U. Connecticut, USA)
- David Kravitz (Motorola Labs, USA)
- Brian LaMacchia (Microsoft, USA)
- William Lehr (MIT, USA)
- Nasir Memon (Polytechnic U., USA)
- Fernando Perez-Gonzalez (U. Vigo, Spain)
- Rei Safavi-Naini (U. Calgary, Canada)
- Bin Zhu (Microsoft, China)

General Chair
- Peng Ning (NCSU, USA)
  (also General chair for ACM-CCS 2008)

Steering Committee
- Joan Feigenbaum (Yale U., USA)
- Aggelos Kiayias (U. Connecticut, USA)
- Rei Safavi-Naini (U. Calgary, Canada)
- Tomas Sander (Hewlett-Packard, USA)
- Moti Yung (Google & Columbia U., USA)

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