On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 10:34:53AM +0200, Philipp Gühring wrote:
> > it is imperative that wasteful reads of this pseudo-device be
> > avoided at all costs. 
> Yes. Still, some people are using fopen/fread to access
> /dev/random, which does pre-fetching on most implementations I
> saw, so using open/read is preferred for using /dev/random.
> Implementations can be rather easily checked with strace.

Oh, agreed wholeheartedly. I simply meant that *wasteful*
(gratuitous) reads of /dev/random should be avoided. Justifiable,
conservative reads of /dev/random are, of course, why it exists in
the first place!

And fopen/fread is definitely a bad idea in this case for the
reasons you point out. In general, anything which prefetches
potentially excess data in a read from /dev/random is destructive to
the entropy pool.
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