The Fungi wrote:
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 11:41:56PM +0100, Dave Howe wrote:
The key size would imply PKI; that being true, then the ransom may
be  for a session key (specific per machine) rather than the
master key it  is unwrapped with.

Per the article:

   "Kaspersky has the public key in hand ? it is included in the
   Trojan's code ? but not the associated private key necessary to
   unlock the encrypted files."

This would seem to imply they already verified the public key was
constant in the trojan and didn't differ between machines (or that
I'm giving Kaspersky's team too much credit with my assumptions).

Sure. however, if the virus (once infecting the machine) generated a random session key, symmetric-encrypted the files, then encrypted the session key with the public key as part of the "ransom note" then that would allow a single public key to be used to issue multiple ransom demands, without the unlocking of any one machine revealing the "master key" that could unlock all of them.

giving away your entire extortion capability to the first person to pay up doesn't seem sane, if you could as easily make each machine a unique proposition...

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