In as much as good key management is fundamental to cryptography functioning appropriately I think that this is a good time for a peek at the proposed standard to find the holes before we wind up b$%^&ing about how badly it was and trying to figure out how to get out from the hole that was dug because of a lack of oversight by the general cryptography community.

Best Regards,


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ekmi] Public Review of SKSML v1.0
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 22:04:49 -0400
From: Mary McRae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: OASIS

To OASIS members, Public Announce Lists:

The OASIS Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure (EKMI) TC has recently approved the following specification as a Committee Draft and approved the package for public review:

Symmetric Key Services Markup Language (SKSML) Version 1.0

The public review starts today, 24 July 2008, and ends 23 September 2008. This is an open invitation to comment. We strongly encourage feedback from potential users, developers and others, whether OASIS members or not, for the sake of improving the interoperability and quality of OASIS work. Please feel free to distribute this announcement within your organization and to other appropriate
mail lists.

More non-normative information about the specification and the technical committee may be found at the public home page of the TC at: Comments may be submitted to the TC by any person through the use of the OASIS TC Comment Facility which can be located via the button marked "Send A Comment" at the top of that page, or directly at:

Submitted comments (for this work as well as other works of that TC) are publicly archived and can be viewed at:
All comments submitted to OASIS are subject to the OASIS Feedback License, which ensures that the feedback you provide carries the same obligations at least as the obligations of the TC members.

The specification document and related files are available here:

Editable Source (Authoritative):




This normative specification defines the first (1.0) version of the Symmetric Key Services Markup Language (SKSML), an XML-based messaging protocol, by which applications executing on computing devices may request and receive symmetric key-management services from centralized key-management servers, securely, over networks. Applications using SKSML are expected to either implement the SKSML protocol, or use a software library - called the Symmetric Key Client Library (SKCL) - that implements this protocol. SKSML messages are transported within a SOAP layer, protected by a Web Services Security (WSS) header and can be used over standard HTTP securely.

OASIS and the EKMI TC welcome your comments.

Mary P McRae
Manager of TC Administration, OASIS

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