Wells Fargo is requiring their online banking customers to provide answers to security questions such as these:


What is name of the hospital in which your first child was born?
What is your mother's birthday? (MMDD)
What is the first name of your first roommate in college?
What is the name of the first street you lived on as a child?
What year did you start junior high/middle school? (YYYY)
What is your oldest sibling's nickname?
What is your dream occupation?
What is your spouse's nickname?
In what city was your father born?
What is the name of the high school you attended?
What is your best friend's first name?
What is the name of the junior high/middle school you attended?
What is the first name of your maternal grandfather (mother's father)?
What is the name of your favorite childhood superhero?
In what city did you meet your spouse?
In what city did your parents meet?
In what city did you attend high school?
What is name of the hospital in which you were born?
What is the last name of your favorite teacher?
In what city was your maternal grandmother (mother's mother) born?
What was your most memorable gift as a child?


It strikes me that the answers to many of these questions might be public information or subject to social engineering attacks...


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