Hello Peter Gutmann.

I'm working on a contribution to the SHA-3 process, and I've been using exactly the sort of abstraction that you describe -- counting one computation of a hash compression function as a unit of work which could be computed concurrently by some sort of parallel computer.

I vaguely think that once I get this level of analysis done, I should add some terms to show how the velocity of data into the computer and from core to core is not infinite.

I certainly think that I should code up some actual implementations and benchmark them. However, I don't have a machine available with lots of cores -- I'm considering requesting of Sun.com that they lend me a T2. (Despite my earlier declaration to Sun that I had lost interest in their stupid architecture since they wouldn't release the source to the crypto module.)

Anyway, if you have a better way to think about parallelism of hash functions, I'm all ears.


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