Also manually forwarded on behalf of  Peter Gutmann. As  before, if you
reply, don't credit me with the text, it is his.

>From pgut001 Fri Mar 26 14:44:54 2010
Subject: Re: "Against Rekeying"
In-Reply-To: <>

Nicolas Williams <> writes:

>I suspect that what happened, ultimately, is that TLS re-negotiation was an
>afterthought, barely mentioned in the TLS 1.2 RFC and barely used, therefore
>many experts were simply not conscious enough of its existence to care.

I think that was a significant problem with noticing this, that many
implementors may have looked at it, decided it was a nightmare to implement,
served no really obvious purpose once 40-bit keys had gone the way of the
dodo, and was a significant source of future problems (see my previous
message), and so never bothered with it.  As a result it never got much
attention, as do significant chunks of other security protocols.  I think the
real skill in security protocol implementation isn't knowing what to
implement, but knowing what not to implement (I've had an attack-surface-
reduced SSH draft in preparation for awhile now, I really must get back to the
some time).

One nice thing about being the author of a crypto toolkit is that you can
experiment with this, either skipping features or turning existing features
off in new releases, to see if anyone notices.  If no-one does, you leave them
turned off.  You can turn off an awful lot of security-protocol "features"
before people start to notice, leading me to believe that a scary portion of
many protocols actually consist of attack surface and not features.


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