On Sep 6, 2010, at 10:49 PM, John Denker wrote:
If you think about the use of randomness in cryptography, what matters
isn't really randomness - it's exactly unpredictability.


This is a very
tough to pin down:  What's unpredictable to me may be predictable to

It's easy to pin down.  If it's unpredictable to the attacker,
it's unpredictable enough for all practical purposes.
I was talking about mathematical, even philosophical, underpinnings - not "practical purposes".

In any case, even if you are concerned with practice, the statement that something is "unpredictable to the attacker" sounds suspect. After all, most junk cryptographic arguments claim that some algorithm is "not reversible by the attacker". One should really expect more.

and unpredictability "collapses" as soon as the random value is
"known" ("measured?"). QM unpredictability as described by Conway seems much closer to the kind of thing you really need to get crypto results.

You're working too hard.  QM is interesting, but it is overkill
for cryptography.  Plain old classical thermodynamical randomness
is plenty random enough.
But there isn't actually such a thing as classical thermodynamical randomness! Classical physics is fully deterministic. Thermodynamics uses a probabilistic model as a way to deal with situations where the necessary information is just too difficult to gather. Classically, you could in principle measure the positions and momenta of all the atoms in a cubic liter of air, and then produce completely detailed analyses of the future behavior of the system. There would be no random component at all. In practice, even classically, you can't hope to get even a fraction of the necessary information - so you instead look at aggregate properties and, voila, thermodynamics. There's no randomness assumption - much less an unpredictability assumption - for the micro-level quantities. What you need is some uniformity assumptions. If I had access to the full micro details of that liter of air, your calculations of the macro quantities would be completely undisturbed.

FWIW, quantum noise is just the limiting case of thermal noise in
the limit of high frequency and/or low temperature.  There is no
dividing line between the two, by which I mean that the full range
of intermediate cases exists, and the same equation describes both
asymptotes and everything in between.  A graph of noise versus
temperature for a simple circuit can be found at

If anybody can think of a practical attack against the randomness
of a thermal noise source, please let us know.  By "practical" I
mean to exclude attacks that use such stupendous resources that
it would be far easier to attack other elements of the system.
As a matter of practical engineering, I agree with you. But read what you said over again, and distinguish it from typical snake-oil arguments for novel crypto algorithms. The differences that make your claims believable while those of the snake-oil salesmen are not are subtle and illuminating. But, as the long argument on this subject today has shown, that's still not the end of the story. Just as the snake-oil systems typically fail because their security claims require constraints on the attacker (which real attackers will get around), your claims assume constraints as well. Lowering the temperature and injecting RF. Hmm, hadn't thought of that as an attack technique....

                                                        -- Jerry

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