On 14/09/2010 04:58, John Gilmore wrote:
> http://arstechnica.com/business/news/2010/09/intels-walled-garden-plan-to-put-av-vendors-out-of-business.ars
> "In describing the motivation behind Intel's recent purchase of McAfee
> for a packed-out audience at the Intel Developer Forum, Intel's Paul
> Otellini framed it as an effort to move the way the company approaches
> security "from a known-bad model to a known-good model." Otellini went
> on to briefly describe the shift in a way that sounded innocuous
> enough--current A/V efforts focus on building up a library of known
> threats against which they protect a user, but Intel would live to
> move to a world where only code from known and trusted parties runs on
> x86 systems."
> Let me guess -- to run anything but Windows, you'll soon have to 
> jailbreak even laptops and desktop PC's?

They said "known and trusted", right? So that would rule out anything
from MSFT...

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