* Adam Fields schrieb am 2010-09-15 um 20:48 Uhr:
> I find it hard to believe that even the most uninformed dissidents
> would be using an untested, unaudited, _beta_, __foreign__ new service
> for anything. Is there any reason to believe otherwise? My first guess

According to my experience the question that matters most is: "Does it
work for me?". If yes, all is OK. When I did courses for dissidents,
nobody ever asked if some kind of software is beta or tested nor were
they interested if some foreign agency produced it. They trusted me that
I would not recommend any bad software.

Jens Kubieziel                                   http://www.kubieziel.de
FdI#3: Polymorphie
Der Fehler tritt in vielerlei Gestalt auf. (Kristian Köhntopp)

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