
   After disclosures about the National Security Agency’s stealth
   campaign to counter Internet privacy protections, a congressman has
   proposed legislation that would prohibit the agency from installing
   “back doors” into encryption, the electronic scrambling that
   protects e-mail, online transactions and other communications.

   Representative Rush D. Holt Jr., a New Jersey Democrat who is
   also a physicist, said on Friday he believed that the N.S.A. was
   overreaching and could hurt American interests, including the
   reputations of American companies whose products the agency may
   have altered or influenced.

   “We pay them to spy,” Mr. Holt said. “But if in the process they
   degrade the security of the encryption we all use, it’s a net
   national disservice.”


Perry E. Metzger                pe...@piermont.com
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