On Sep 9, 2013, at 6:32 PM, "Perry E. Metzger" <pe...@piermont.com> wrote:

> First, David, thank you for participating in this discussion.
> To orient people, we're talking about whether Intel's on-chip
> hardware RNGs should allow programmers access to the raw HRNG output,
> both for validation purposes to make sure the whole system is working
> correctly, and if they would prefer to do their own whitening and
> stretching of the output.

Giving raw access to the noise source outputs lets you test the source from the 
outside, and there is alot to be said for it.  But I am not sure how much it 
helps against tampered chips.  If I can tamper with the noise source in 
hardware to make it predictable, it seems like I should also be able to make it 
simulate the expected behavior.  I expect this is more complicated than, say, 
breaking the noise source and the internal testing mechanisms so that the RNG 
outputs a predictable output stream, but I am not sure it is all that much more 
complicated.  How expensive is a lightweight stream cipher keyed off the time 
and the CPU serial number or some such thing to generate pseudorandom bits?  
How much more to go from that to a simulation of the expectdd behavior, perhaps 
based on the same circutry used in the unhacked version to test the noise 
source outputs?  

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