I agree that randomness-reuse is a major issue. Recently about 55 Bitcoin were
stolen by exploiting this, for example:


However, it is quite straightforward to make yourself safe from re-used nonces
in (EC)DSA, like this:


Whenever the public-key crypto spec says that you have to come up with a random
number, don't do it! Instead of just pulling a random number from your PRNG,
mix the message into your PRNG to generate a random number which will therefore
be unique to this message.

Note that you don't have to get anyone else's cooperation in order to do this
-- interoperating implementations can't tell how you chose your "random"
number, so they can't complain if you do it this way.

Wei Dai's Crypto++ library has done this for ages, for *all* nonces generated
in the course of public-key operations.

DJB's Ed25519 takes this one step further, and makes the nonce determined
*solely* by the message and the secret key, avoiding the PRNG part altogether:


In my opinion, that's the way to go. It applies equally well to (EC)DSA, and
still enjoys the above-mentioned interoperability.

There is now a standard for this fully-deterministic approach in the works,
edited by Thomas Pornin: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6979 .

Therefore, Ed25519 or RFC-6979-enhanced (EC)DSA is actually safer than RSA-PSS
is with regard to this issue.


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