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NSA cryptanalyst: We, too, are Americans

Summary: ZDNet Exclusive: An NSA mathematician shares his from-the-trenches 
view of the agency's surveillance activities.

By David Gewirtz for ZDNet Government | September 16, 2013 -- 12:07 GMT (05:07 

An NSA mathematician, seeking to help shape the ongoing debate about the 
agency's foreign surveillance activities, has contributed this column to ZDNet 
Government. The author, Roger Barkan, also appeared in last year's National 
Geographic Channel special about the National Security Agency.

The rest of this article contains Roger's words only, edited simply for 

Many voices -- from those in the White House to others at my local coffee shop 
-- have weighed in on NSA's surveillance programs, which have recently been 
disclosed by the media.

As someone deep in the trenches of NSA, where I work on a daily basis with data 
acquired from these programs, I, too, feel compelled to raise my voice. Do I, 
as an American, have any concerns about whether the NSA is illegally or 
surreptitiously targeting or tracking the communications of other Americans?

The answer is emphatically, "No."

NSA produces foreign intelligence for the benefit and defense of our nation. 
Analysts are not free to wander through all of NSA's collected data 
willy-nilly, snooping into any communication they please. Rather, analysts' 
activity is carefully monitored, recorded, and reviewed to ensure that every 
use of data serves a legitimate foreign intelligence purpose.

We're not watching you. We're the ones being watched.

Further, NSA's systems are built with several layers of checks and redundancy 
to ensure that data are not accessed by analysts outside of approved and 
monitored channels. When even the tiniest analyst error is detected, it is 
immediately and forthrightly addressed and reported internally and then to 
NSA's external overseers. Given the mountains of paperwork that the incident 
reporting process entails, you can be assured that those of us who design and 
operate these systems are extremely motivated to make sure that mistakes happen 
as rarely as possible!

A myth that truly bewilders me is the notion that the NSA could or would spend 
time looking into the communications of ordinary Americans. Even if such 
looking were not illegal or very dangerous to execute within our systems, given 
the monitoring of our activities, it would not in any way advance our mission. 
We have more than enough to keep track of -- people who are actively planning 
to do harm to American citizens and interests -- than to even consider spending 
time reading recipes that your mother emails you.

There's no doubt about it: We all live in a new world of Big Data.

Much of the focus of the public debate thus far has been on the amount of data 
that NSA has access to, which I feel misses the critical point. In today's 
digital society, the Big Data genie is out of the bottle. Every day, more 
personal data become available to individuals, corporations, and the 
government. What matters are the rules that govern how NSA uses this data, and 
the multiple oversight and compliance efforts that keep us consistent with 
those rules. I have not only seen but also experienced firsthand, on a daily 
basis, that these rules and the oversight and compliance practices are 
stringent. And they work to protect the privacy rights of all Americans.

Like President Obama, my Commander-in-Chief, I welcome increased public 
scrutiny of NSA's intelligence-gathering activities. The President has said 
that we can and will go further to publicize more information about NSA's 
operating principles and oversight methodologies. I have every confidence that 
when this is done, the American people will see what I have seen: that the NSA 
conducts its work with an uncompromising respect for the rules -- the laws, 
executive orders, and judicial orders under which we operate.

As this national dialogue continues, I look to the American people to reach a 
consensus on the desired scope of U.S. intelligence activities. If it is 
determined that the rules should be changed or updated, we at NSA would 
faithfully and effectively adapt. My NSA colleagues and I stand ready to 
continue to defend this nation using only the tools that we are authorized to 
use and in the specific ways that we are authorized to use them. We wouldn't 
want it any other way.

We never forget that we, too, are Americans.

Roger Barkan, a Harvard-trained mathematician, has worked as an NSA 
cryptanalyst since 2002. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of 
the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Security 
Agency/Central Security Service.
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